hyginen, sanitation, refill drinking water.Abstract
Various previous studies in various big cities in Indonesia have shown that Refill Drinking Water is less safe and can be detrimental to human health due to contamination by bacteria. One of the studies by Inoy Trisnaini in Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra in 2017 obtained the results of 13 Refill Drinking Water Depots (32.5%) of the water samples positive for coliform bacteria. This study aims to analyze what factors influence the presence of coliform bacteria in refill drinking water from refill drinking water depots. This research is an analytic observational study using a cross sectional method. The sample in this study was 50 Refill Drinking Water Depots in Palembang City. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately, and laboratory tests were carried out for the content of coliform bacteria in water samples. Test the content of coliform bacteria using the Most Probable Number method with reference to SNI 1-3554-2006. Bivariate data analysis used the chi square statistical test. Results: The bacteriological laboratory test of drinking water samples taken from 50 refill drinking water depots found 6 positive samples of water containing coliform bacteria, so it is not in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number 492/Menkes/IV/2010. Statistical tests showed that the sanitation variable, namely the condition of the garbage collection site, had a relationship with the coliform bacteria content of drinking water from refill drinking water depots in Palembang City. There are still Refill Drinking Water Depots in Palembang City that do not meet health requirements in implementing hygiene sanitation. So as to increase the knowledge and awareness of Refill Drinking Water Depots employees regarding sanitation hygiene and supervision from the health office.