Malaria, Entomology, Anopheles spAbstract
Malaria is one of the diseases that is a world problem due to its potential vectors. caused by plasmodium parasites living and breeding in human erythrocytes transmitted through the bite of infective female Anopheles mosquitoes. In 2019 malaria cases in Muara Enim Regency reached 112 cases ranked 2nd after South Ogan Komering Ulu. In 2018, malaria cases decreased compared to 2019, but the risk factors for malaria transmission if not controlled then malaria can reappear. The purpose of this study was to determine the entymology of malaria vectors in Gunung Megang District, Muara Enim Regency. The method used was descriptive method with cross sectional approach, namely observation. The population of this study were all captured mosquitoes in Gunung Megang sub-district, Muara Enim Regency. While the samples in this study were Anopheles mosquitoes and larvae obtained from the capture in Gunung Megang sub-district, Muara Enim Regency. Data analysis using univariate analysis. The results of univariate analysis obtained Anopheles mosquitoes are 4 species namely An. nigerimus, An. umbrosus, An. barbirostris and An. sinensis. An. barbirostris was found to be the most abundant with a total of 4 individuals. While An. umbrosus, An. nigerimus and An. sinensis were found only 1 Anopheles species each. Larvae obtained 3 species of Anopheles spp larvae, the most is An.barbirostris, and few are An.sinensis and An. Umbrosus. The larval density in the lake (53.8%) was 14 larvae, with a larval density of 1.4 larvae/invertebrate. In ponds it was 1.4 larvae/invertebrate. In swamp habitat (11.5) with a total of 3 larvae, having a larval density of 0.3% larvae/intrusion. while in culverts (7.7%) with a total of 2 larvae, having a larval density of 0.2 larvae/intrusion is the least Anopheles spp larval breeding habitat